Makeover your Monday

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Each morning when I go to pick Kempton up out of his crib it’s the same. He giggles and smiles and then reaches up to me and we start the day. This morning he was extra smiley and it made me think. He wakes up each morning so thankful for life. He doesn’t worry about anything, or dread anything. He is simply excited for a brand new day.

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A brand new day. That is what God gives us every morning. A chance to shine His light. A chance to make someone smile. A chance to just breathe it all in and say thank you. So often I wake up on monday morning with an unrealistic to do list and I find myself frustrated and annoyed when the day doesn’t go as I’ve planned. I know I just need to give it to Him, because honestly the day was never mine to begin with. Each and every day is a day that the Lord has made and it is only because of His love and mercy that we are given life at all.

So I’m challenging myself to makeover my Mondays. To see it all differently. See it as His day not mine. To put a smile on someone else’s face. To bless someone. To send a cheerful text to a friend. When I look at Kempton’s joy for life I am reminded of how precious each day is and how there is no room to waste even one day on bitterness or self pitty. Every day is a day that is borrowed so live it to the fullest! I am vowing to start the week with a positive attitude and make Mondays the best day of the week!

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The Friday Five- Autumn Glitz

I’m calling this week’s friday five Autumn Glitz because they are all things to glamorize your comfy cozy! I’m really enjoying putting together these weekly idea boards. Crazy how the things going on in my head actually coordinate!


Number 1 on the list is warm, cozy, over the knee socks. I want to wear them with tall boots, short boots, leggings and skirts. I want to snuggle up by the fire in them. I want to eat popcorn, sip tea and watch a movie in them. I want some from American Apparel, Free People, Urban outfitters and Madewell. Basically this week I want to live in over the knee socks!


2.  Lucky Boy Sunday. I love their kids stuffed animals, the play houses, quilts, and pillows. Some of their art is a little out there, but their muted colors and unique combinations look fantastic in a modern kids room.


3. Anthropologie golden monogram mugs *limited edition. These are a no brainer. Sip your warm coffee out of a blinged out mug!! Only $10

4. I’m obsessed with using gold feathers as decorations right now, and it seems to fit perfectly with the upcoming  Thanksgiving holiday. I’ve been glittering, spray painting, and hanging feathers all over. They can easily transition into Christmas or even stay up all year long.

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5. CHALKBOARD EVERYTHING!!! Stay tuned cause I’m about to do some crazy chalkboard projects in mi casa!


Happy weekend everyone! Make sure to add some glitz into your everyday actvities. It makes the mundane so much more fun!!

Easy Mosaic Wall

Decorating Kempton’s room has been really fun for me. I have been dreaming of the all the little details since he was in my belly and finally finally I’m getting to make it just the way I want it! Many ideas have changed over the two years of planning, but one thing that I knew I had to have was an accent wall. Originally I thought I would do some kind of wallpaper but after many hours of online hunting I never found the perfect pattern. One night I pinned this on pinterest and I was hooked. The design is so current with the whole triangle/prism craze. Not to mention the silver and gold that I incorporated in. Plus I love that it is just paint so if I ever get another bright idea I can easily change it. (Brooks never knows what he will come home to.) The whole process only took me three naptimes. It is very easy and very customizable. The hardest part was waiting for the paint to dry!!

What you need….


First you need to make sure the wall you are painting the pattern on is already the color you want the lines of the triangles to be. Then choose a color to be the primary color of the wall. I chose Valspar Silver leaf (light grey with a hint of blue) I bought a quart and had just enough. My wall was about 8 feet by 12 feet. You will also need some additional colors if you choose to paint some accent triangles on the wall. The sample sizes work perfectly for this.  You will of course need painters tape, and lots of it! A roller with 3/8 nap, paint pan and liner (not pictured), putty knife, and different size paint brushes. Then let the taping begin!!


There was really no rhyme or reason to my madness here. Just start going at it because this is the most time consuming part. It really doesn’t even matter if your lines are straight. It all looks good in the end. After you get the tape on it is VERY IMPORTANT that you press it all down with a putty knife or wallpaper smoothing tool. You do not want your paint to bleed through!!


Next start cutting in with your primary color. Then go ahead and roll over the whole wall.


Then you get to paint your accent triangles. At first I was going to use a rust color and a deep green (nocturnal green) but I decided to nix the rust and go with green, gold and chrome. I wanted most of my wall to be the light grey color so I made sure to only paint a few triangles with the accent colors. Make sure you stay in the lines!! The metallic colors took about three coats so at this point it was a waiting game. I was dying to pull the tape off!! It’s really hard to fix anything once the tape comes off, so you want to make sure everything is covered well before you rip.


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I’m so happy with how the wall turned out! I still have so many other details to add to his room, but it is all starting to come together. Stay tuned for a complete room tour in the future.

Details: crib-Pottery Barn, stuffed lion- jellycat (similar), crib blanket- Little Hip Squeaks (similar mine is a discontinued pattern), pyramid lamp- Crate and Barrel (very old), sheep skin- Ikea, moccasins- Freshly Picked.